Civic and religious leaders from the city of Minneapolis will discuss how we move towards justice and healing in this panel moderated by Fr. Daniel Griffith. This event will be in-person and livestream, and is sponsored by IRJH and The Basilica of Saint Mary. Click here for a link to register for this important event.
In honor of Mother's Day and of the month of Mary, there was a May crowning of the Statue of Mary in our Grotto and a blessing of rosaries. A big THANK YOU to Tristan & Henry Boyle for their participation in our May Crowning on Sunday, May 8th at the Grotto!
Fleur de Lis: Linda Ferris, Caroline Becker, Janet Kraska, Sue Harvieux, Chris and Robin Rodgers, Randy and Sarah Trask, Julie Daulton, Mary Asp, Alan Ciesielczyk, Marie Bouley. Honorary Fleur de Lis: Bishop Joseph Williams. Pope Francis Award: Julie Ditter, Michael Rainville, Sergio Barrera.
Congratulations to First Communicants Sebastian Sadak and Evan Kleffner! Congratulations to Confirmands William Schneider, McKenzie Schneider, Erik Kleffner and Thomas Kunkel!
Tomorrow, we are honored to have Bishop Joseph Williams preside at our 4:30pm Mass. This special Mass will also include Confirmations, First Communions, as well as the presentation of the Fleur-de-lis and Pope Francis Awards! Mass will also be *LIVESTREAMED* at Lourdes Live, Facebook, and Youtube! There will also be a reception after Mass to celebrate. We hope to see you there!