The results are in, and thanks to our generous supporters, WE MADE OUR FUND A NEED GOAL! Because of all of you, our Matthew 25 Fund, Precious Jewel Perpetual Fund, and parish operations, will benefit from the proceeds of this evening of fun and fellowship. THANK YOU!!! (Photo album coming soon!)
From his recent experience at several forums on the church crisis, and from the celebration of the Sacred Triduum, Fr. Griffith offers a comprehensive reflection on the church crisis through the lens of Biblical and Catholic theology in this article titled, "From the Pit of Destruction to the Grace of Redemption: Biblical and Theological Foundations for the Renewal of the Catholic Church."
The reason we recognize the theme of restoration so prominently manifested on the Feasts of Christmas and Easter is because the work of restoration is central to the mission of Christ. We believe by faith that God’s incarnate love in Christ culminated in the paschal mystery of Christ – his dying and rising. Through the death and resurrection of Christ all of humanity is “wonderfully restored” and indeed reconciled to love of the Father ...
From Father Griffith: The three days from Holy Thursday to Easter Sunday are regarded by the Catholic Church as the holiest days of the Church year. These days are called the Sacred Triduum, which means the “Great Three Days.” The Triduum is one feast and one continuous liturgy that takes place at the beginning of Holy Thursday and culminates with the Easter Vigil. These days are meant to be experienced together as continuous. Therefore, I invite the parishioners of Our Lady of Lourdes to come and experience the profound mysteries that are central to our Catholic faith...
Holy Thurday, Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper at 7:00 pm followed by Eucharistic Adoration until 9:15 pm | Good Friday, Stations of the Cross at Noon and The Lord's Passion at 3:00 pm | Easter Vigil, Mass at 8:00 pm | Easter Sunday, Mass at 9:00 and 11:00 am.
Father Dan Griffith in "The Catholic Spirit" - Many Catholics hope that the unprecedented anti-abuse summit held in Rome will usher in a sea change for the Church in its handling of clergy abuse and the attendant cover-up...
Eucharistic Adoration, Friday afternoons during Lent, followed by Stations of the Cross at 5 pm. Stay for the fish fry beginning at 5:30 pm! The Lourdes Men's Club Lenten Retreat will begin with Mass at 8 am on Saturday. Father John Kelly and seminarians from the St. Paul Seminary will be at 5 pm Mass on Saturday to talk about their recent Pathways to Children mission trip to India. On Sunday, Prof. Liz Kelly is our featured speaker for our "Holiness & Mission" series, this week: "The Spirituality of the Beatitudes", beginning at 9:45 am in Hofstede Hall.