April 22, 2020
Dear Friends in Christ,
I hope this letter finds you well as Christians journey through the Easter season together and as all continue to be challenged by the global pandemic. On one hand - I continue to be saddened by how many are suffering at this time from lack of health, loss of employment, anxiety and in many other ways – on the other hand I continue to be inspired by the acts of solidarity, love and sacrifice of so many Americans who are serving those in need. It is in inspiring to see and gives me hope that we can embrace a renewed humanity that is guided by God’s light and the truth of the dignity of human life.
Below: I update parishioners and friends on our shared life together. Last evening, I sent an update to our Lourdes Leadership Team (LLT) which includes our parish trustees, chairs of our parish committees and councils and key staff. In that message I said our community of Lourdes remains strong, committed, faith-filled and resilient. Indeed, this is true and I am thankful to God and you for this reality. Our solid foundation of faith will help us navigate these challenging times and to emerge from this crisis as an even more vibrant parish.
I would like to thank Archbishop Hebda for his presence last Sunday to preside and preach at our livestreamed Divine Mercy Mass. Archbishop Hebda’s generosity of spirit as a shepherd has been inspiring to many, including me. The Archbishop’s message of God’s mercy offered through Jesus Christ and the peace that accompanies this mercy was inspiring. In a message to me, Archbishop described the sacred music at Lourdes as “sublime.” I agree, and I am thankful to Dr. Jacob Benda for his leadership and vision. The quality of our livestream remains high and as I said to our LLT, Lourdes continues to punch above its fighting weight in so many ways.
One of the saddest dimensions of the crisis is how it has affected those who are poor and living on the margins in the United States and globally. The crisis has also revealed deep and systemic patterns of injustice regarding race and economic life. These injustices cry out to the God of justice and will need to be set aright as seek together a new era of social solidarity. I would like to call your attention to two ways that you can assist our brothers and sisters on the margins. You can give to our
Tijuana mission which serves the poorest of the poor and
Ecolibri that is helping to feed and educate the poor of Guatemala. I am involved (on the Board of Ecolibri) with both organizations and can attest that your donations will directly benefit those most in need.
In terms of parish finances, we continue to be challenged by declining revenue due to decreased Sunday giving. That said, many parishioners have stepped up at this time and I am very thankful to them. Our expenses continue, including the need to support of parish staff team who is so integral to our shared life at Lourdes. We have begun a new
United in Faith appeal and are beginning to reach out to parishioners to support this effort. Parishioners are already contributing generously to this appeal. If you would like to contribute, you are welcome to send a check to the parish with
United in Faith in the memo line. You are also welcome to contribute online and in other ways as well. I am happy to announce to parishioners and friends that Our Lady of Lourdes was approved for a loan through the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and funds were distributed into our account earlier this week. This development certainly helps at this time. I am thankful to Mary Asp and 21
st Century Bank for their help in getting this vital loan completed.
The work of the parish and our efforts to serve you continues in many ways. Staff continue to call parishioners to pledge our prayers and support. Our staff will meet today via zoom. The LLT will also plan to meet virtually in the coming days and the finance council, parish council and justice and charity committee will all meet, most likely via zoom, in May. Fr. Evan’s will preside this Sunday at the livestreamed Mass and I will offer a brief livestreamed presentation on the “Resurrection Appearances of Christ” this Sunday from 11:15-11:45 a.m.
Lastly, I was saddened by the recent deaths of two long-time parishioners of Lourdes – “Doc” (Joseph) Wethington and Bill Lawson. Both of these men share so many fine traits which were manifested through their life: deep faith; gifted intellects: and love and service to family. Please keep the Lawson and Wethington families in your prayers, including our dear friend Ellen, the spouse of Joe. With Easter hope, I ask you to join me in prayer that these men would bask in the light and joy of our Risen Lord.